Taylor Engineers staff has been prolific in its contributions to the industry literature. The publications below are available with permission from the publishers.
Optimizing Design and Control of Chilled Water Plants, Part 5 Optimized Control Sequences
ASHRAE Journal
Optimizing Design and Control of Chilled Water Plants, Part 4 Chiller and Cooling Tower Selection
ASHRAE Journal
Optimizing Design and Control of Chilled Water Plants, Part 3 Pipe Sizing and Optimizing Delta
ASHRAE Journal
Optimizing Design and Control of Chilled Water Plants, Part 2 Condenser Water Distribution
ASHRAE Journal
Optimizing Design and Control of Chilled Water Plants, Part 1 Chilled Water Distribution System Selection
ASHRAE Journal
Engineering for Low Cost and High Efficiency, ASHRAE Technology Award Winner
ASHRAE Journal Technology Award Winner
Development and Testing of a Reformulated Regression-Based Electric Chiller Model
ASHRAE Symposium
Taylor Engineers has earned its place as Bay Area experts in mechanical, plumbing and control system designs. What is especially unique to our firm is a longstanding commitment to advancing the industry at large from a global perspective. We have written the energy and indoor air quality codes and standards engineers work with every day. We provide design guides and tools, teach via tutorials and presentations, write articles for publication and deliver educational seminars, forums and continuing education courses.
Diligence + Leadership

Diligence +
Diligence + Leadership
Taylor Engineers has earned its place as Bay Area experts in mechanical, plumbing and control system designs. What is especially unique to our firm is a longstanding commitment to advancing the industry at large from a global perspective. We have written the energy and indoor air quality codes and standards engineers work with every day. We provide design guides and tools, teach via tutorials and presentations, write articles for publication and deliver educational seminars, forums and continuing education courses.
Diligence + Leadership
Diligence + Leadership
Diligence + Leadership
Taylor Engineers has earned its place as Bay Area experts in mechanical, plumbing and control system designs. What is especially unique to our firm is a longstanding commitment to advancing the industry at large from a global perspective. We have written the energy and indoor air quality codes and standards engineers work with every day. We provide design guides and tools, teach via tutorials and presentations, write articles for publication and deliver educational seminars, forums and continuing education courses.


Diligence + Leadership
Taylor Engineers has earned its place as Bay Area experts in mechanical, plumbing and control system designs. What is especially unique to our firm is a longstanding commitment to advancing the industry at large from a global perspective. We have written the energy and indoor air quality codes and standards engineers work with every day. We provide design guides and tools, teach via tutorials and presentations, write articles for publication and deliver educational seminars, forums and continuing education courses.